BBC iPlayer: Aunty launches the public beta of its IPTV app - Crave at
Friday, 27 July 2007
I have been involved in both betas of the iPlayer for nearly a year now and now that it has gone public I can concur with this blogger that iPlayer is a big fat waste of time and it won't get used. I know for a fact that the BBC have already given up trying to get their copyrighted material off Google Video and YouTube, realising that they are fighting a losing battle. Why o why o why did they ever let this project see the light of day.
BBC iPlayer: Aunty launches the public beta of its IPTV app - Crave at "The stupid thing is, iPlayer is being ruined by DRM and the associated technology required to make it work. Anyone can get TV programmes via BitTorrent by pressing one button and waiting 30 minutes or so. They then have a file that doesn't have restrictions, will play on a whole host of devices and doesn't expire. Of course, downloading copyrighted material is illegal, so most people won't do it, but until the iPlayer is as simple and pain-free as getting XviD files from The Pirate Bay, it doesn't stand a chance in achieving what the BBC wants, which is to control how their media is distributed over the Internet."
Social Networking Works for Business
Social Networking isn't something you should be ashamed of. When your boss approaches don't minimise Facebook, or your IM client. This survey points the way for us Brits in terms of attitudes and behaviours in the US from where all good things IT come. As followers of my blog will know I am in the business of social networking systems so I am biased. but facts is facts, right?
IT pros give thumbs up to online communities | Reg Developer: "A survey of over 200 US-based IT professionals, published this week by King Research, shows that 100 per cent of those who participate in online communities say they get professional benefits from the experience. And 85 per cent also say they get personal benefits."
Silent Low Power Computer: What More Do You Need
Thursday, 19 July 2007

Zonbu: Green doesn't have to make you Blue!
Zonbu is the first environmentally responsible computer without the hassle and high price.
Social Networking 1 vs Email 0
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Kids say e-mail is, like, soooo dead | CNET
Just ask a group of teen Internet entrepreneurs, who readily admit that traditional e-mail is better suited for keeping up professional relationships or communicating with adults."I only use e-mail for my business and to get sponsors," Martina Butler, the host of the teen podcast Emo Girl Talk, said during a panel discussion here at the Mashup 2007 conference, which is focused on the technology generation. With friends, Bulter said she only sends notes via a social network."Sometimes I say I e-mailed you, but I mean I Myspace'd or Facebook'ed you," she said.
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Spin-my-Blog Post
Hi, still haven't received the call from Mercedes about the conversion of my French Smart Car to UK specification. I find it gaulling(?) that it is taking so long & costing so much money to import a car from France
Voice-to-Screen messaging - powered by SpinVox
HEN Lifestyle : Leisure News : Brother and sister's TV goal is shot through with Integrity
Friday, 13 July 2007
This guy works for me!!!!!
HEN Lifestyle : Leisure News : Brother and sister's TV goal is shot through with Integrity: "Brother and sister's TV goal is shot through with Integrity
A TALENTED brother and sister team from Cheshunt hope their hotly-tipped TV pilot will make a big impact on the small screen."
YouTube - Video: RSS in Plain English
Friday, 6 July 2007
I think RSS will reach a tipping point in the business community in the next twelve months just like instant messaging did. Eighteen months ago nobody was using IM at work - now it is everywhere. They even opened up the ports on the corporate LAN so people could use it. RSS will surely follow as workers try to find better ways of dealing with the vast amount of email they are receiving. Enjoy this video and send it to all your friends so they can get their heads round this technology:
YouTube - Video: RSS in Plain English: "We made this video for our friends (and yours) that haven't yet felt the power of our friend the RSS reader. We want to convert people and if you know someone who would love RSS and hasn't yet tried it, point them here for 3.5 minutes. (more)"
Dell D600 Laptop Intel Centrino 1.6GHz 512MB 40GB 15\" TFT CD-RW/DVD Windows XP Pro 6months Warranty
Thursday, 5 July 2007
If you are looking for Robin's deal of the decade this week then this is it. 250 notes for this computer is a steal by any calculation. I use one of these myself for work.
Dell D600 Laptop Intel Centrino 1.6GHz 512MB 40GB 15\" TFT CD-RW/DVD Windows XP Pro 6months Warranty: "Dell D600 Laptop Intel Centrino 1.6GHz 512MB 40GB 15\' TFT CD-RW/DVD Windows XP Pro"