TED | Talks | Blaise Aguera y Arcas: Jaw-dropping Photosynth demo (video)
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
If you watch one online video this year, on bended knee, let it be this one. This is nearly as cool as the Microsoft Surface computing demo last month.
TED | Talks | Blaise Aguera y Arcas: Jaw-dropping Photosynth demo (video)
Cool software which links all pictures published in the world together into a meta verse.

Mugabe gives email snooping green light | The Register
Monday, 18 June 2007
Any article which begins with these seven words deservers to be read: "Zimbabwean despot 'laughing' Bob Mugabe's government has... ". Read it.
Mugabe gives email snooping green light | The Register:
Steve Jobs: struggling to redefine the TV paradigm
Friday, 15 June 2007
This is a fascinating article from Faultline (http://www.rethinkresearch.biz/) on what Steve Jobs is thinking Apple TV is for. As usual it isn't straightforward.
Steve Jobs: struggling to redefine the TV paradigm
The devil is in the detail for Apple TV
Comment Getting into the mind of Steve Jobs isn't all that simple, and sometimes you just have to wait until he tells you what went through his mind in order to explain the latest Apple phenomena. But the picture around Apple TV is starting to clear with some rumours and snippets revealed this week....
MYT Engine - an overhaul of the internal combustion engine
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
I am not sure I believe it, but it is always nice to see a video of a real live mad professor with a karaoke microphone.
MYT Engine - an overhaul of the internal combustion engine

UK is a nation of net addicts
Friday, 8 June 2007
Yeah and the rest.....
UK is a nation of net addicts
Lenovo's Thinkpad Reserve Edition?
Now this is a great thing to do. Put a laptop into a beautiful hide wallet. I carry my laptop around site here at the-oil-company-which-cannot-be-named and the feel of the antiseptic plastic case of my trusty Dell crap-top is not very pleasant in my hands. More leather is what I say. Car manufacturers cottoned on to the fact that if you make the steering wheel and the gear knob leather then you can make the rest of the car plastic. It takes a Chinese laptop manufacturer to come up with this great innovation. What good is Europe anyway?
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Lenovo's Thinkpad Reserve Edition?
There it is, Lenovo's Thinkpad Reserve Edition. According to our trusted insider, it's just the staid, Thinkpad design wrapped in cowhide. YeeHaw! Still maybe there's more than meets the eye, eh?
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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!
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Boffins demo wireless electricity
What is the benefit of this technology? I must admit I do like the idea of it.
1. You wouldn't have to plug in your laptop to get a recharge.
2. Wireless mice which never need recharging.
3. Wall mounted televisions which don't need power cables chasing into the wall.
On the other hand, who cares.
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Boffins demo wireless electricity
Switching on lightbulbs from a distance
Researchers in the US have demonstrated an experimental wireless energy transfer system that could pave the way for truly wireless computing. The team has already successfully made a 60W light bulb light up from a distance of 2 metres....
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Xerox: Web 2.0
Thursday, 7 June 2007
I spent 15 minutes reading about this this drivel. That's 15 minutes I will never get back again. And to think I started my career at Xerox. How the mighty have fallen.
Xerox: Web 2.0 coming to a grey box office soon
Banging the solutions drum on a rain-soaked Lyon river
Xerox has climbed on board the crowded Web 2.0 ship with the introduction of solutions-based document management for its customers....
Emily is removed from Big Brother
Too bloody right. I am glad this woman was kicked out of Big Brother. The 'N' word is absolutely unacceptable in today's society. This girl is a dumb zarking blonde and she should be charged by the police. Before you think bad of me for the dumb zarking blonde comment, don't forget that the colour of her hair is something she can change.
For the record I don't watch Big Brother. No really, I don't....
Emily is removed from Big Brother
OLED Heaven
Friday, 1 June 2007
Apparently these OLEDs are 98 percent efficient, but don't quote me on that. What that means is that nearly all of the electricity is converted to light, so they are energy efficient and cool to the touch. Now if you combine large tabletop OLED screens with that Microsoft Milan surface computing demo they did the other day, then you could have something really interesting to play with during family breakfast.
*OLED Light* by John on May 31, 2007
Offline Web Applications
Now I often manage development projects and a barrier I keep coming up against is the problem that you have to be connected to the Internet to use an Internet application. Not any more.
Those clever chaps and chapesses at google has come up with a clever way of doing offline webware. It is possible with Google Gears to have a web application which works online and offline - yes you heard me - offline, ie. when you are not connected to the Internet it still works. Google will be giving this away free to developers in a couple of months as part of their 'get-Microsoft' program. I think they probably developed it so they can improve their current Google Docs and Spreadsheets offerings. Whatever the reason I think it is a revolution...if it works.
Source: Google kicks offline Web apps into gear | CNET News.com
Welcome to Blogger
Well here is my first post in Blogger after having lasted two whole years in MSN Spaces. I just got fed up with the advertising, you know what I mean.
See Dwad's Corner here